We provide the platform to writers, bloggers and anybody who is knowledgeable about wedding photography and can put them into beautiful words, to submit their articles to us. We will publish your article as guest post. However, the guest posts have to be written according to the guidelines mentioned herein below:

Submission Guidelines

  • Headline: Headline is what attracts the readers to read the article thoroughly. Therefore, the headline has to be short and catchy.
  • Sub-headings: To make it easier to read for the readers, try to add sub-heading to the article. Sub-heads clear the entire idea of the article easily.
  • Images: To make your article look even more attractive, you can use images that are free of copyright.
  • Word Limit: The ideal length of the article would be 600+
  • Original: You need to make sure your article is 100% original. This means, this has to be free of plagiarism.
  • Author-bio: You need to add an author-bio at the end of the article and make sure the language of the author-bio is short and crisp. You can also link it to your social media page.
  • Link: You can also add link to your author-bio.

Email – chandanpuri21@gmail.com